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Privacy Policy

When you visit and browse our site, we do not collect your name, email address or any other personal information unless you provide it to us. When you create an account, we ask for your name, address, phone number, email address, and generate a user name and password. We use this information to fulfill your orders and to enable time-saving features for future purchases. We do not share this information with anyone not directly involved in your purchase.

After you place an order on our site, you will receive an email confirmation and, in most cases, an email with package tracking information. We do send email offers and updates to you, but you always have an ‘opt-out’ option when you receive them.

Please let us know if you wish for your name and all information associated with your account to be purged from our database and that of any vendor we use for the purpose of communicating with you or processing your order. We are happy to honor your request.

We do not, under any circumstances, sell your information to anyone. We do not contribute to or participate in shared or cooperative databases, which give other companies access to your personal information. We do not release credit card or financial information for use by other companies.

For both privacy and security purposes, all transactional information communicated between customers and our website is transmitted in an encrypted format, and all credit card information is deleted from our servers immediately after card authorization.

If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, please reach us at Your privacy and security is of our utmost concern.